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Grelessa intersekt font

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Grelessa intersekt font

Hello people

I've made this unusual font family for my personal reasons, but I share with everyone, as I think also others could like it. Go ahead and download, give it a try. Many languages are supperted. (latin letters only)

All rights reserved.
This typeface is 100% created by me, from scratch, I own the copyright.

Respect other's work, and don't claim it's yours, try to sell, re-upload anywhere, make an obvious copy, etc, all the common sense unfair things. (Always with everything, not only this product)


As the name suggests, and you can see the preview, the font is done on a way, that makes it unique, and I like it a lot, but there are some downsides. For example the smallest amount of change with the spacing will "ruin" it, or the intersected parts are ugly, when glyps are used as transparent. (e.g. inactive text o android) This can happen, when you don't have control over the font settings, but for regular use it shouldn't be an issue, as you have the control. Some applications/programs might overwrite the kerning and/or ignore the variants by default, that needs to be set manually, maybe some won't support at all, so I can't promise, it'll work for your needs, but it should be fine. A high resolution screen is also suggested.

Although you can use this font for free, I share my donation link, if you'd like to use it for commercial stuff, please consider to support, according to your needs. If you only use it for personal reasons, your donation will be appreciated as well, thank you!


Grelessa intersektGrelessa intersekt fontGrelessa intersekt font bigGrelessa intersekt font textGrelessa intersekt font 1

Font NameDateFile Size
Grelessa_intersekt-Bold.ttf 2023-07-29 181 KB
Grelessa_intersekt-Bolditalic.ttf 2023-07-29 218 KB
Grelessa_intersekt-Italic.ttf 2023-07-29 221 KB
Grelessa_intersekt-Regular.ttf 2023-07-29 184 KB

Grelessa intersekt font
Grelessa intersekt font download, Grelessa intersekt font.