Ales & Hegar Raw font

Ales & Hegar Raw font zip file contents
Font Name | Date | File Size |
ales-hegar-r.txt | 2016-02-29 | 3 KB |
ales-hegar-r18.ttf | 2016-02-29 | 55 KB |
Font Details
Ales & Hegar Raw
by V?t ?ond?k
Email: gunny(a)
En Cz Sk De Fr Pl
[ English Description ]
Yet another font of mine inspired by the book "Ml?de?i" by Mikol? Ale? (1852 ? 1913).
Its cover was designed by Milan Hegar and he tried to imitate Ale?'s ornamental upper case letters from the original 1910s magazines.
Now I tried to imitate their combined effort. =)
If you look closely at the letters you will see they are rather crude.
That's because I started with the scans of the few original letters and the style transfered to the new letters too.
I'd like to polish it someday and expand the font a bit more but such fine-tuning is almost invisible and it takes quite lot of time and work so it might take a while. ;)
[ English License ]
This font is free for any use except modification and it may not be sold.
If you think something in this font doesn't feel right please contact me.
[ ?esk? popis ]
Dal?? z m?ch font? inspirovan? knihou "Ml?de?i" Mikol?e Al?e (1852 ? 1913).
Grafickou ?pravu knihy zpracoval Milan Hegar a n?pisy na p?ebalu nakreslil v podobn?m stylu, kter? pou?il Ale? na obalu p?vodn?ch ?asopis? "Ml?de?i" kolem roku 1910.
J? jsem se te? pokusil jejich spole?n? d?lo p?ev?st do digit?ln? podoby a trochu rozvinout.
P?i velk?m zv?t?en? je patrn?, ?e silety p?smen jsou dost hrub?.
Font jsem za?al vytv??et z p?vodn?ch nascanovan?ch p?smen a v?echny nep?esnosti se pak nevyhnuteln? p?enesly i do nov? vytvo?en?ch znak?.
R?d bych font je?t? doladit a d?le rozvinul, ale vzhledem k tomu, ?e podobn? zm?ny jsou na prvn? pohled t?m?? neviditeln? a p?itom zaberou pom?rn? dost ?asu, to z?ejm? nebude p??li? brzy... ;)
[ ?esk? licence ]
Tento font je zdarma pro libovoln? u?it? s v?jimkou ?prav a nesm? b?t prod?v?n.
Pokud ve fontu objev?te n?co, co by bylo vhodn? opravit nebo doladit, tak m? pros?m kontaktujte.
0.18 2016-02-29
* I K N
0.17 2016-02-18
* O R S T U X Y
0.16 2016-02-17
* & 7 I R
* fixed table of supported code pages
0.14 2016-02-11
+ quotes Hbar Tbar daggers
* acute circumflex tilde
0.13 2016-02-10
+ <> {} KLNRT+commabelow Lslash OU+umlaut
0.12 2016-02-09
* 7 cedilla @ GHJWY+circ Euro
+ AE * + Itilde Ldot dbls Eth guillemots
+ AEIOU+macron AEIOU+breve
0.11 2016-02-08
* 2 3 4 5 7 W Z
+ @ | AEO+ogonek Utilde bullet degree OE
0.10 2016-02-05
* & 3 6 8
+ ~ AON+tilde
0.09 2016-02-04
* & 6 9
0.08 2016-01-27
+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ? Thorn $ %
* Oslash P
0.07 2016-01-25
+ ( ) 0 Euro
* . , !
* & - z??eno
* E - zkr?cena horn? p???ka
* P - v?t?i dutina v oblou?ku
* S - napojena doln? ma?le, cel? vyhlazeno
* T - zru?ena horn? kudrlinka, upraveno prohnut? sm?rem doprava
* X - krat?? patky, hlad?? ma?le
* Z - spodn? kudrlinka v??
0.06 2016-01-22
* P v?t?? dutina v oblou?ku
* E zkr?tit horn? p???ku
* T- zru?it horn? kudrlinku
* X krat?? patky
0.00 2016-01-20
* first rough conversion
Ales & Hegar Raw font download, Ales & Hegar Raw font.