Altona Sans font
There are just a few places on the world where I truly feel home. And one of them is the beautiful German borough Altona located in my favorite city Hamburg. Ive been working on this font project for almost five years now and I finally made the decision to finalise and release the first style for the Altona Sans Family. The intention was to create an unique and beautiful typeface, that can be accessed by everyone.
Thats why I decided to make the full version FREE for personal use. But thats not all: All small companies or brands with less than 10 employees gets to choose how much they want to pay to buy a commercial license. Every cent is most welcome and will be used to create more styles of this font family in the future. Of course every supporter will also receive future updates of the font and all future styles. So just go ahead and visit to get your commercial license and become a supporter.
Please note: if your company or client has more than 10 employees youre going to need an extended license, a standard license won
t suffice. Please contact us at to get a quote.

Font Name | Date | File Size |
Altona-Sans_dafont-01.png | 2022-03-04 | 233 KB |
AltonaSans-Italic.ttf | 2022-03-04 | 54 KB |
AltonaSans-Regular.ttf | 2022-03-04 | 50 KB |
personal_use_license_Altona_Sans.rtf | 2022-03-04 | 2 KB |
Font Details
Thank you for downloading British Castilla
NOTE: This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY! but every donation is very much appreciated
For donations:
Here is the link for purchasing a Commercial License:
If you need a special license, you can contact us at
all forms of use of fonts without buying
the license must first comply with our settlement terms
purchases for commercial purposes and desires
subject to the Company License that we have made
Kind Regards
1. Font yang anda download ini hanya untuk "Personal Use"/kebutuhan pribadi, atau untuk keperluan yang sifatnya tidak "komersil", alias tidak menghasilkan profit. Jika ingin menggunakan lisensi komersial silahkan membeli melalui link ini :
2. Lisensi "Personal Use", tidak dibolehkan menggunakan atau memanfaatkan font untuk kepeluan Komersial, baik itu untuk Iklan, Promosi, TV, Film, Video, Motion Graphics, Youtube, Desain kaos distro atau untuk Kemasan Produk (baik Fisik ataupun Digital) atau Media apapun dengan tujuan menghasilkan profit/keuntungan.
3. Pada penggunaan perusahaan silahkan membeli font ini dengan "lisensi corporate"
4. Apabila anda menggunakan "Personal use" untuk kebutuhan komersil tanpa izin dari kami / tanpa membeli terlebih dahulu makan kami selaku pemegang Hak Cipta Font akan dikenakan sanksi dengan biaya Coporate lisensi atau sesuai dengan ketentuan yang telah diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta
yang berlaku di Republik Indonesia.
Informasi tentang Lisensi apa yang akan anda perlukan, silahkan menghubungi kami di :
Salam, Terima kasih.
Altona Sans font download, Altona Sans font.