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Big Shoulders Display font

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Big Shoulders is a family of condensed American Gothic typefaces, created for the city and citizens of Chicago. The family’s tall, sans-serif forms are based in Chicago’s multiple histories in railway transport, journalism, advertising, and public political action.

Build Instructions

The main source is Big Shoulders.glyphs. Any changes made there need to also be reflected in Big Shoulders Flat.glyphs.

Big Shoulders Flat.glyphs is a throwaway source needed to generate correct static instances using fontmake, as the current stable fontmake (as of August 2019) can’t deal with brace layers when generating instances.

To generate Big Shoulders Flat.glyphs, apply this Glyphs script to Big Shoulders.glyphs and save under new name. Repeat for any change to Big Shoulders.glyphs.

Once fontmake version 2.0 is stable and out, which can deal with brace layers, the use of Big Shoulders Flat.glyphs can be discarded.

Build fonts using build.sh.

Big Shoulders Display font

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Big Shoulders Display font
Big Shoulders Display font download, Big Shoulders Display font.