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Brotherina font

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Brotherina font

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Brotherina font zip file contents

Font NameDateFile Size
Botherina Font (Illustration) by Situjuh Nazara [1].png 2017-01-30 57 KB
Botherina Font (Illustration) by Situjuh Nazara [2].png 2017-01-30 47 KB
Botherina Font (Illustration) by Situjuh Nazara [3].png 2017-01-30 71 KB
Botherina Font (Illustration) by Situjuh Nazara [4].png 2017-01-30 51 KB
Botherina Font by Situjuh Nazara [1].png 2017-01-30 125 KB
Brotherina.otf 2017-01-30 304 KB
Read Me.txt 2017-01-30 441 B

Brotherina font

Font Details

Copyright (c) 2017, Situjuh Nazara (c7nazara@gmail.com),
with Reserved Font Name Brotherina. All rights reversed.


Personal use: FREE

Commercial use: DONATE, mininal $10 USD via Situjuh's paypal account[c7nazara@gmail.com] or BUY it on my Creative Fabrica page: https://www.creativefabrica.com/designer/situjuh/

Contact me [c7nazara@gmail.com] or visit my website [https://c7n1.com] if you have any request or question.

Brotherina font download, Brotherina font.