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Chemy Retro font

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ChemyRetro font

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Chemy Retro font zip file contents

Font NameDateFile Size
ChemyRetro_v01.otf 2013-03-29 76 KB
ChemyRetro_v01.afm 2013-03-29 39 KB
TT_Version/ChemyRetro_v01.afm 2013-03-29 38 KB
TT_Version/ChemyRetro_v01.ttf 2013-03-29 88 KB
cr_ImageFull2.png 2013-03-27 270 KB
cr_Image2Charars.png 2013-03-27 105 KB
Readme/CR_Readme.txt 2013-03-29 927 B

Chemy Retro font

Font Details

ChemyRetro... Groooooooovy-fied!

This is a 60s-70s retro-styled font I did from scratch working with CorelDraw and FontForge. It is one of my first creations that I'm really proud of, and I wanted to share to the font/art community.
Included in the font are two Basic Latin Characters, Cyrillic, Greek, Vietnamese, Turkish and other foreign accented characters. There's also Punctuation, Currency, some Symbol and Letter-like characters, I may attempt to update soon with other characters.

I have also included the TrueType font version, for anyone that would like to use it.

I hope that my work on this font would be of value as I have enjoyed making them.

It is of my own work and it's FREE of charge for ALL uses. Credits are welcomed but not necessary, however, I like to see what you do with them.

Thank you for your interest in ChemyRetro.


Jay Batch

Chemy Retro font download, Chemy Retro font.