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Famiar font

Sans Serifotf
1940 DownloadsDownload

Famiar font

NOTE: This font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!

To purchase a commercial license, visit:

For questions, please visitwww.mn.sg/faq

FamiarFamiar fontFamiar font bigFamiar font textFamiar font 1

Font NameDateFile Size
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-ExtraBold.otf 2021-08-11 92 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-ExtraBoldItalic.otf 2021-08-11 100 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-ExtraLight.otf 2021-08-11 93 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-ExtraLightItalic.otf 2021-08-11 101 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-Light.otf 2021-08-11 92 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-LightItalic.otf 2021-08-11 100 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-Medium.otf 2021-08-11 92 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-MediumItalic.otf 2021-08-11 100 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-Regular.otf 2021-08-11 92 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-RegularItalic.otf 2021-08-11 100 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-SemiBold.otf 2021-08-11 93 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-SemiBoldItalic.otf 2021-08-11 101 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-Thin.otf 2021-08-11 92 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-ThinItalic.otf 2021-08-11 100 KB
READ_BEFORE_ANY_USE.txt 2022-03-25 1 KB
img/ 2021-12-07 0 B
img/famiar_flag.png 2021-12-07 225 KB
img/famiar_poster01.png 2021-12-07 782 KB
img/famiar_poster02.png 2021-12-07 642 KB
img/famiar_poster03.png 2021-12-07 621 KB
img/famiar_poster04.png 2021-12-07 506 KB
img/famiar_poster05.png 2021-12-07 758 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-Black.otf 2021-08-11 100 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-BlackItalic.otf 2021-08-11 105 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-Bold.otf 2021-08-11 93 KB
FamiarPERSONALUSEONLY-BoldItalic.otf 2021-08-11 101 KB

Famiar font

Font Details

By installing or using this font you agree to the Product Usage Agreement: http://www.mansgreback.com/pua
This font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY and requires a license for commercial use. The font license can be purchased at: http://www.mansgreback.com/fonts/famiar
Please read "What license do I need?" for more info: http://www.mansgreback.com/license
Famiar is a professional sans-serif typeface.
It is friendly and optimistic while retaining an intellectual appearance and smooth, balanced curvatures. Drawn and created by Mans Greback between 2020-2022, Famiar has a fresh style and a strong personality, and is a great option for many modern designs.
Provided in 18 high-quality styles, such as Thin, Light, Regular, Bold, SemiBold, ExtraBold, Black and Italic, the diversity of the typeface family ensures it can always be used to its fullest potential.
Famiar is built with advanced OpenType functionality and has a guaranteed top-notch quality, containing stylistic and contextual alternates, ligatures and more features; all to give you full control and customizability. It has extensive lingual support, covering all Latin-based languages, from Northern Europe to South Africa, from America to South-East Asia. It contains all characters and symbols you'll ever need, including all punctuation and numbers.
For further information, please read the FAQ: http://www.mansgreback.com/faq

Famiar font download, Famiar font.