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Fantasque Sans Mono font

Sans Serif.OTF
871 DownloadsDownload

A programming font, designed with functionality in mind, and with some wibbly-wobbly handwriting-like fuzziness that makes it unassumingly cool.
Previously known as Cosmic Sans Neue Mono. It appeared that similar names were already in use for other fonts, and that people tended to extend their instinctive hatred of Comic Sans to this very font of mine (which of course can only be loved). Why the previous name? Here is my original explanation:
The name comes from my realization that at some point it looked like the mutant child of Comic Sans and Helvetica Neue. Hopefully it is not the case any more.
Inspirational sources include Inconsolata and Monaco. I have also been using Consolas a lot in my programming life, so it may have some points in common.

Fantasque Sans Mono font
Fantasque Sans Mono font download, Fantasque Sans Mono font.