Floe font
Hello Guys,
Please read this first carefully before installing the font.
-This font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY and NO COMMERCIAL USE ALLOWED. If you make money with my font please purchase the standart license to:
On MyFont
Or on FontBundles
-Please read the document first (in the downloaded folder) before installing the font.
-For more information about any license please contact my email:
Product Description :
This is the one and only Floe designed by Jolicia Type in 2021.
Every single letters have been carefully crafted to make your text looks value typhography.
-Link Donation (PayPal) :
Thank you for download and your appreciated.
Keep Support our work and Happy Design !!
Note : this helps you to use all of our font functions

Font Name | Date | File Size |
dafont-01.png | 2021-02-09 | 181 KB |
Floe.otf | 2021-02-09 | 477 KB |
Jolicia Type Important Information About This Font !! Please Read Me !!.pdf | 2021-02-09 | 161 KB |
Font Details
Billy Argel Fonts.
By Billy Argel /Billy Argel Fonts (copyright) Free for personal use only.
Contact me for any Commercial or promotional Use to purchase a license.
"personal use only" does not constitut public domain or free.
Contact mail: billyargel@gmail.com
Terms of Use/End User License Agreement
Upon downloading this font the user bound to abide
the Free Font Terms of Use/Free Font End User
License Agreement (TOU/EULA) defined below.
This agreement pertains to you/the user and the
liscencing rights aquired with this download. These
rights are specific to free download and usage of this
font, i.e. a personal use License agreement.
Free Font Terms of Use
Free Font End User License Agreement:
1.) This font is free for personal use.
2.) The distribution of this font for financial gain or
profit is not permitted under any circumstances and is
strictly prohibited. Do not add this font to a font CD or
compilation and or archive that is to be sold for a profit.
Basically, don't sell this font, and do not make things
that are to be sold with this font... It's free for personal
use only. Commercial use requires the user to obtain a
Commercial Font End User License.To obtain a commercial license,
contact me: billyargel@gmail.com for more details.
For profit scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking material (s) or
scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking material(s) intended to
be sold/resold with this font are also prohibited under this license,
and require a commercial License. To obtain a Commercial
Font End User License for this font billyargel@gmail.com
Please note, scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking use of this
font is only restricted when pertaining to the making of any for
profit items. Otherwise creating items to be used "personally,"
whether in a traditional scrapbook or digital scrapbook is entirely
permitted under this free License.
3.) This font file must be kept intact as downloaded. Under no
circumstances may this font file itself be edited, altered, or modified
at any time or in any measure. This prohibits and indcludes but is
not limited to, renaming this font file, as well as the creation of
so-called "new" and/or derivitave fonts from this font file or any
other possible digital representations.
4.) Upon downloading this font, the user accepts all liability and
sole responsibility for the font file and any accompanying files
therein. Billy Argel Fonts is not responsible or
liable for any damages, loss or other consequences incurred
as a result of downloading this font, or otherwise relating or
associated with the download.
*Personal use does not constitute "public domain or free."
**If you are interested in the commercial use of this font or using
this font in any manner outside the realm of "personal use," you
must obtain the rights to use this font commercially
(Commercial Font End User License) prior to doing so. To obtain
a Commercial Font End User License Agreement with this font,
contact me billyargel@gmail.com
Thanks for accepting these terms.
Hello Guys ,
Please Read this first carefully before install the font. By installing or using this font you agree to the
Product Usage Agreement:
• This font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY and NO COMMERCIAL USE ALLOWED (If you make
money mith my font please purchase the license)
• For more information about any license please contact my email : joliciatype@gmail.com
• For Standart commercial use license please visit : https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/jolicia-type/
Product Description :
This is the one and only Floe designed by Jolicia Type in 2021
Every single letters have been carefully crafted to make your text looks
value typhography.
Happy Design
Thank You!
Hallo Mas dan Mbak,
Sebelum anda mendownload tolong baca terlebih dahulu deskripsi dibawah ini. Penjelasan ini
merupakan bagian term and condition dari Jolicia Type. Segala bentuk penyalahgunaan lisensi font dapat
dikenai sanksi hukum.
Dengan mendownload font ini, Anda dianggap mengerti dan menyetujui semua syarat dan ketentuan
penggunaan font dibawah ini:
1. Font ini hanya dapat digunakan untuk keperluan "Personal Use" atau penggunaanya bersifat
individual yang tidak menghasilkan profit atau keuntungan. Untuk kepentingan yang bersifat
kelompok, font ini hanya bisa digunakan untuk keperluan acara keagamaan serta kegiatan
sosial (tidak menghasilkan keuntungan) .
2. DILARANG KERAS menggunakan atau memanfaatkan font ini untuk keperluan Komersial,
baik itu untuk Iklan, Promosi, TV, Film, Video, Motion Graphics, Youtube, atau untuk Kemasan
Produk ( baik Fisik ataupun Digital) atau Media apapun dengan tujuan menghasilkan
3. Setiap bentuk penyalahgunaan Lisensi Jolicia Type (Penggunaan tanpa izin lisensi ,
penggunaan font tidak sesuai lisensi) akan kami kenakan biaya sebesar Lisensi Perusahaan
(National/Wordwide Corporate License). Atau dapat kami tempuh melalui jalur hukum sesuai
Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta.
4. Segala Bentuk konten dan kekayaan intelektual Jolicia Type dilindungi oleh Negara dan
setiap pelanggaran yang akan menempuh jalur hukum akan ditangani oleh tim legal dari
Perkumpulan Desainer Huruf Indonesia (PDHI). Floe font download, Floe font.