Futurex Phat
Available in four variations: regular, oblique, outline, and oblique outline.
Now a major motion picture :-)
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
See this font in action at skycaptain.com
Please disregard most of the info in the text file. Things have changed a lot over the years since I made this.
Futurex Phat is part of the Futurex Project. Futurex is potentially the world's largest font family, with contributions from several type designers the world over. To find out more about the Futurex Project, see http://www?.google.co?m/search?h?l=en&l?r=&ie=?UTF-8&?q=%22Futur?ex+Project?%22

Futurex Phat font

Futurex Phat font zip file contents
Font Name | Date | File Size |
FUTUP___.ttf | 2001-04-02 | 21 KB |
FUTUPO__.ttf | 2001-04-02 | 23 KB |
FUTUPOO_.ttf | 2001-04-02 | 39 KB |
FUTUPOU_.ttf | 2001-04-02 | 32 KB |
Futurex Phat font download, Futurex Phat font.