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Geliat font

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Geliat font

Geliat is free for personal use.

'Free for personal use' means that it can't be used for any commercial purposes. This means that you should get the Commercial License by contacting the author atwahyu@wahyusani.co orsani@wahyusani.co or you can buy the license athttps://www.myfonts.com/fonts/wahyu-sani-co/geliat-/

GeliatGeliat fontGeliat font bigGeliat font textGeliat font 1

Font NameDateFile Size
Geliat-ExtraLight.otf 2021-02-04 48 KB
Geliat-ExtraBold.otf 2021-02-04 46 KB

Geliat font
Geliat font download, Geliat font.