Hexenk?tel font
It's chunky and a bit awkward and sloppy, but I think Hexenktel (which means witches' poo in my language btw) will look fine on medieval, dark and fantasy themed games, book covers or film posters. It also has a bit of of a pre WWII vibe, so it's for all ages!
Supported languages are Icelandic, Norwegian. Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Dutch, German, Czech, Polish, Welsh, Hungarian, Serbo-Croatian, Romanian, Turkish, Esperanto, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Maori, and yes: even English.
Font Name | Date | File Size |
Hexenkötel.otf | 2023-06-27 | 110 KB |
readme.txt | 2023-06-19 | 612 B |
Font Details
Free font by Tup Wanders
Licensed with a Creative Commons attribution license.
If you add to the font, please send me a copy! If you've made fun stuff with the font that you would like to show me, please send me that as well. I like that.
Have fun,
If this font suddenly makes you feel like spending huge amounts of money, please do so by going to Paypal and transferring your fortune to tupwanders@tupwanders.nl
And if this font suddenly makes feel like spending small or fairly large amounts of money, you can do that via Paypal as well.
Hexenk?tel font download, Hexenk?tel font.