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HIVNotRetro font

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St. John's Church, at the west end of Princes Street in Edinburgh is famous, nay infamous, for its murals painted on a large board outside the building . Often controversial, and addressing contemporary issues, they've appeared regularly since 1982. In 2016, I was involved in the creation of their World AIDS Day mural, based on that year's theme "HIV Not Retro ". Part of what I did was to paint the lettering for the hashtags at the bottom, which had been roughed out in chalk by Greg, the artist.
This font was done quickly, based on that lettering, and tries to capture some of what it was like working in paint, with old brushes, in freezing temperatures, on a Sunday morning (not a time with which I am familiar).
The character set is therefore much smaller than usual, and the only special character is the awareness ribbon. This is mapped to the "bullet" glyph. There's still a good range of accents.

HIVNotRetro font
HIVNotRetro font download, HIVNotRetro font.