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Luvian font

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Luvian font

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This font is for personal use only. Commercial use is not allowed.
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LuvianLuvian fontLuvian font bigLuvian font textLuvian font 1

Font NameDateFile Size
Luvian-Bold.ttf 2024-03-09 45 KB
Luvian-Regular.ttf 2024-03-09 46 KB
Read Me.txt 2024-02-15 411 B

Luvian font

Font Details

By using this font, you agree to the following terms:
This font is for personal use only. Commercial use is not allowed. Non-comercial use for large scale audiences is not allowed.
To purchase a commercial license, visit: https://ekobimantara.com/
For custom licensing inquiries, email us at ekobimantarafonts@gmail.com
Explore more fonts in our store: https://ekobimantara.com/
Thank you.

Luvian font download, Luvian font.