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Miracle font

Sans Serifotf
4156 DownloadsDownload

Miracle font

Miracle is a new sans serif font. It is a modern and display typeface. The font is perfect for your future design project.
This font free for PERSONAL USE.

Commercial license:

If you need more detailed information you can contact me at:nevsky.type@gmail.com


MiracleMiracle fontMiracle font bigMiracle font textMiracle font 1

Font NameDateFile Size
READ ME FIRST.txt 2020-12-26 504 B
Miracle Personal use.otf 2020-12-26 75 KB

Miracle font

Font Details

By installing or using this font, you are agree to the Product Usage Agreement:
1. This font for PERSONAL USE. No commercial use allowed!
2. If you want to use this font for commercial use you must buy a commercial license. Crella: https://crella.net/store/nevsky-type/
3. if you need more detailed information you can contact me at: nevsky.type@gmail.com
Thanks, Artem Nevsky
-------- Behance: https://www.behance.net/artemnevsky
Crella: https://crella.net/store/nevsky-type/

Miracle font download, Miracle font.