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Pigeon font

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Pigeon PERSONAL font

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Pigeon font zip file contents

Font NameDateFile Size
img/pigeon_flag01.png 2016-11-29 247 KB
img/pigeon_poster01.png 2016-11-29 504 KB
img/pigeon_poster02.png 2016-11-29 507 KB
img/pigeon_poster03.png 2016-11-29 499 KB
PigeonBold_PERSONAL.ttf 2016-09-02 163 KB
PigeonBoldItal_PERSONAL.ttf 2016-09-02 142 KB
PigeonLight_PERSONAL.ttf 2016-09-02 167 KB
PigeonLightItal_PERSONAL.ttf 2016-09-02 142 KB
PigeonMedium_PERSONAL.ttf 2016-09-02 161 KB
PigeonMediumItal_PERSONAL.ttf 2016-09-02 141 KB

Pigeon font

Font Details

By installing or using this font you agree to the Product Usage Agreement:


This font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY and requires a license for commercial use.
The font license can be purchased at:

Please read "What license do I need?" for more info:


Pigeon is a high-quality serif font in six styles.
It comes in the weights Pigeon Light, Pigeon Medium and Pigeon Bold; each of the weights as Italic.
The typeface is created by M?ns Greb?ck, contains hundreds of glyphs and multiple ligatures.
Its wide characters are perfect to draw attention, and they have smooth and well-designed curvatures.


For further information, please read the FAQ:

Pigeon font download, Pigeon font.