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Rachela font

El Yazısıotf
4744 DownloadsDownload

Rachela font

This font is partial and free for PERSONAL USE only.


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to DONATE click here:fatma.studio92@gmail.com
I really appreciate your donations.

If there is something to ask please contact me:

Thank You,
Fatma Studio

Rachela fontRachela font bigRachela font textRachela font 1

Font NameDateFile Size
1.jpg 2021-01-17 518 KB
LICENSE-PLEASE READ FIRST.txt 2021-04-06 739 B
Rachela.otf 2021-01-24 94 KB

Rachela font

Font Details

Hello There,
This is font free for PERSONAL USE ONLY. If you need for commercial use, you can buy the COMMERCIAL LICENSE here : https://fontbundles.net/fatma-studio
Thank you :)
INDONESIA - MOHON DIBACA: Halo, buat agency, designer, youtuber, atau siapa saja yang ingin menggunakan font ini untuk kebutuhan KOMERSIL seperti poster filem, pamflet promo, logo perusahaan, kaos, dan sejenisnya bisa langsung membeli lisensinya di saya,
silahkan hubungi Email saya di: fatma.studio92@gmail.com
atau beli di web : https://fontbundles.net/fatma-studio
NOTE: Menggunakan font milik Fatma Studio tanpa izin untuk kebutuhan komersil akan dikenakan biaya minimal $1000 atau Rp 15.000.000
Terima kasih

Rachela font download, Rachela font.