Sensation freeware - her nasılsa bir PayPal bağışı çok beğeniliyor! Ticari olarak kullanmak isterseniz lütfen bu fontun arkasındaki işi göz önünde bulundurun

Sansation font

Sansation font zip file contents
Font Name | Date | File Size |
Sansation_1.31_ReadMe.txt | 2012-10-31 | 748 B |
Sansation_Bold.ttf | 2012-10-31 | 76 KB |
Sansation_Bold_Italic.ttf | 2012-10-31 | 77 KB |
Sansation_Italic.ttf | 2012-10-31 | 77 KB |
Sansation_Light.ttf | 2012-10-31 | 76 KB |
Sansation_Light_Italic.ttf | 2012-10-31 | 77 KB |
Sansation_plate.jpg | 2012-10-31 | 186 KB |
Sansation_Regular.ttf | 2012-10-31 | 76 KB |
Font Details
Sansation - freeware font family
Version 1.31
Bernd Montag ? 2011 - All Rights Reserved
This font family is freeware and can be used freely for personal and commercial purposes.
Although a PayPal donation in return is very much appreciated.
You may share this font on CDs, websites,... with the following restrictions:
- Modification of the font files is only allowed for personal use - don?t distribute a modified version of the font files!
- Do not rename the font files!
- Do not sell the font files!
- Do not pass the font files without this textfile!
- Make sure you have downloaded the latest update from for best optical results.
If you have further questions - please contact me.
Sansation font download, Sansation font.