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Slovic font

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 The typeface Slovic (??????) Cyrillic presents a beginning of a journey into the Cyrillic typography.

Looking at the control slider of the variable font we can interpret the how it is morphing through the time. Slovic begins its course from a design that assembles characteristic elements of the Old Church Slavonic script and more precisely based on studied styles, such as Ustav (Cyrillic uncial) and Vyaz (Cyrillic ornate lettering). The second design combines some of these details and classical serif typeface solutions. Slovic continues its further stylistic progression, going through a classical slab serif, then semi-serif reaching to sans. Slovic aims to combine and interpolate various proportions and styles, supporting several stylistic sets and an extended Latin script thus giving the type family an extensive usability and applications.

This project is only a statement marking the beginning of diverse and deeper studies in the Cyrillic script.

There are five free DEMOS available + variable font.


Slovic_Demo_Var font

slovic-demo-var fontslovic-demo-var font bigslovic-demo-var font textslovic-demo-var font 1

Slovic font zip file contents

Font NameDateFile Size
.DS_Store 2018-05-24 6 KB
License/EULA Free Font License Ver. 2.0.pdf 2015-06-23 125 KB
OTF/Slovic_Demo-Historic.otf 2018-05-24 46 KB
OTF/Slovic_Demo-SansSerif.otf 2018-05-24 41 KB
OTF/Slovic_Demo-SemiSerif.otf 2018-05-24 47 KB
OTF/Slovic_Demo-Serif.otf 2018-05-24 50 KB
OTF/Slovic_Demo-SlabSerif.otf 2018-05-24 45 KB
Slovic_Demo_VarGX.ttf 2018-05-24 77 KB
Variable/Slovic_Demo_VarGX.ttf 2018-05-24 77 KB

Slovic font
Slovic font download, Slovic font.