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TT Rationalist font

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TT Rationalist font

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TT RationalistTT Rationalist fontTT Rationalist font bigTT Rationalist font textTT Rationalist font 1

Font NameDateFile Size
TT Rationalist Trial Bold.ttf 2023-02-06 136 KB
TT Rationalist Trial DemiBold Italic.ttf 2023-02-06 140 KB
TT Rationalist Trial DemiBold.ttf 2023-02-06 137 KB
TT Rationalist Trial ExtraBold Italic.ttf 2023-02-06 140 KB
TT Rationalist Trial ExtraBold.ttf 2023-02-06 137 KB
TT Rationalist Trial ExtraLight Italic.ttf 2023-02-06 143 KB
TT Rationalist Trial ExtraLight.ttf 2023-02-06 137 KB
TT Rationalist Trial Italic.ttf 2023-02-06 143 KB
TT Rationalist Trial Light Italic.ttf 2023-02-06 143 KB
TT Rationalist Trial Light.ttf 2023-02-06 137 KB
TT Rationalist Trial Medium Italic.ttf 2023-02-06 143 KB
TT Rationalist Trial Medium.ttf 2023-02-06 137 KB
TT Rationalist Trial Normal Italic.ttf 2023-02-06 143 KB
TT Rationalist Trial Normal.ttf 2023-02-06 137 KB
TT Rationalist Trial Regular.ttf 2023-02-06 137 KB
TT Rationalist Trial Thin Italic.ttf 2023-02-06 144 KB
TT Rationalist Trial Thin.ttf 2023-02-06 138 KB
Bonuses and services.pdf 2023-02-06 2761 KB
TT Rationalist Trial Black Italic.ttf 2023-02-06 140 KB
TT Rationalist Trial Black.ttf 2023-02-06 136 KB
TT Rationalist Trial Bold Italic.ttf 2023-02-06 140 KB

TT Rationalist font
www.typetype.org trial fonts 01 – 19 2022 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING OUR FONTS01 Information about the studio 02 Several interesting cases 03 Our killer features and offers What you will find in this presentation www.typetype.org trial fonts 02 – 192022 30+ people in our team 45000+ clients 35+ client projects 9 years on the font market 65+ proprietary fonts About TypeType www.typetype.org trial fonts 03 – 19MORE ON WEBSITE www.typetype.org trial fonts 04 – 19 Partners and Clients01 Distribution of fonts that we create for our collection 02 We create fonts to individual order using cutting edge technologies 03 Collection Corporate fonts Customization We fit our fonts to the demands of specific projects Our specialization www.typetype.org trial fonts 05 – 1901 50% discount in the 30 days following the download of a trial font 02 With the purchase of a large license, we make changes to the font for free 03 Discount Customizations Licenses We change licenses according to clients’ demands Killer features www.typetype.org trial fonts 06 – 19www.typetype.org trial fonts 07 – 19 › Font catalog In our collection, there are 60+ fonts that are different in character and application scope, so there's a suitable font for every project. The studio's steady bestsellers are TT Norms® Pro, TT Commons Pro, and the uniwidth TT Fellows that have become popular thanks to the versatility of use. 60+ Font collectionwww.typetype.org trial fonts 08 – 19Collection subscription Price per month TT BASIC RENT TT STANDARD RENT TT PRO RENT Price per year Number of projects $499 / month $4,990 / year (2 months for free) up to 5 projects / month $799 / month $6,990 / year (3 months for free) 6–10 projects / month $1,299 / month $9,990 / year (4 months for free) Unlimited number of projects Unlimited Desktop & Web licenses Technical support Installation of all font updates and extensions Adding logos to the font Unlimited license for video broadcasting Font customization www.typetype.org trial fonts 09 – 19www.typetype.org trial fonts 10 – 19 A font is a part of the corporate style and its signature, that is why we create corporate fonts with special care. Within such a font, it is possible to create several subfamilies for different purposes, for example, a display family for headings and a text family to use in an application or in text arrays. Corporate fontDeveloped a font family. 5 heading faces for all visual communication materials and logos. 5 text faces for use on the website and in interfaces.    www.typetype.org trial fonts 11 – 19   6 heading faces to use on the website. 5 text faces to use on the website and in interfaces. 2 monowidth fonts to use within products. › View works www.typetype.org trial fonts 12 – 19Any font you like from the TypeType collection can be adapted to your project by making technical or graphic edits. Customization enables getting an absolutely new font by changing only a few details. With the purchase of large licenses, we carry out customization as a present. Customization www.typetype.org trial fonts 13 – 19   Changes the drawing of the letter ?, making it slightly inclined to the left. Replaced the square points in the drawings of characters and letters «! ? . , ; : … · j i» with round ones. Set the one-storey shape of the letter ? as default and moved the two-storey letter to a stylistic set. True digital www.typetype.org trial fonts 14 – 19› View works    Carried out deep customization. Drew and implemented Vietnamese into the TT Trailers font. Added three sets with “pet-friendly” diacritics for Vietnamese. www.typetype.org trial fonts 15 – 19 PetchoyWith the purchase of a license of a certain price, we carry out font customization for free. from $1000 We embed the logo into the font from $2000 We add the name of the company into the name of the font from $3500 We carry out technical customization Customization www.typetype.org trial fonts 16 – 19Customization www.typetype.org trial fonts 17 – 19 License price Over $1000 Over $2000 Over $3500 Over $4500 Over $10000 Embedding logo into the font Adding company name to the font name Technical customization Graphic customization: adding 3 glyphs Deep customizationwww.typetype.org trial fonts 18 – 19 The TypeType team can deal with any font task! If in this presentation you have not found a topic that interests you, ask us. We love reading letters, answering questions, hosting online meetings, and discussing new projects. More font aesthetics here: typetype.orgMore font aesthetics here: typetype.org www.typetype.org trial fonts 19 – 19 typetype.org Elena Brishten Customer department specialist commercial@typetype.org Your personal manager Instagram Facebook Behance TT Rationalist font download, TT Rationalist font.