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Basic font

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Basic font

Built to find that simple and effective line that every font designer is looking for.
This is a personal approach to sans fonts, including a logical double-storey g and trying not to go overboard with the optical effects.
It is called Basic, and it is indeed very basic regarding the design. Otherwise it's an OpenType and Alternate rich font, including Small Caps, Unicase, Superscripts, Ordinals, Ligatures and other Features.

BasicBasic fontBasic font bigBasic font textBasic font 1

Font NameDateFile Size
basic-light-preview.png 2021-04-13 83 KB
terms.txt 2020-02-12 402 B
Basic Light.ttf 2021-04-14 285 KB

Basic font

Font Details

Terms and Conditions - online https://www.loremipsum.ro/terms/
- Fonts are free for personal projects and non-profit organizations. - The commercial license is royalty free, for any kind of project, worldwide, granted for one individual or company and can be purchased via PayPal for $20. - For the license visit https://www.loremipsum.ro/ or write to levi@loremipsum.ro
Thank you, Levi

Basic font download, Basic font.